Page 12 - Words of WiNZdom
P. 12

The dream versus the reality
          Page 12

                  That  said,  not  every  subject  needs  to  be  photographed  in  isolation
                with the latest and best equipment. Insects, flowers, nest sites, burrow
                entrances  as  well  as  less  reactive  animals  like  sitting  ducks,  spiders,

                newts and snails etc are always good to go with a "grab shot”. They're
                also  ideal  for  anyone  interested  in  wildlife  to  get  started  with  some

                                                       Common toad

                                  Taken with a Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE Smartphone!

                As high as your aspirations may be, the key to becoming a dedicated
                wildlife photographer isn’t in being more mercenary or by turning every
                assignment  into  a  do-or-die  glory  hunt  but  by  keeping  things  in

                perspective.  So  learn  to  accept  dry  periods  as  well  as  missed  magic
                moments along with problems from people, pets and pests; bad light;
                bad weather; equipment failure and the best teacher of all, your own

                silly mistakes!
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