Page 11 - Words of WiNZdom
P. 11

The unwritten rule

          Page 11

                There’s an unwritten rule in wildlife photography that’s more a matter of
                etiquette  than  good  photography,  but  no  less  important  to  a  fellow
                photographer out in the field striving to get the best from a subject.

                  There’s  nothing  more  infuriating  than  taking  the  time  and  trouble  of

                getting  a  pitch  going,  only  to  have  it  ruined  by  another  photographer
                barging in for a “poaching” opportunity.

                If you had to crawl a dozen yards or more to a subject like this, followed by a long
                wait  only  to  end  up  with  a  few  minutes  of  shooting  time  on  account  of  another
                photographer   pulling  up  next  to  you  in  their  car  with  the  engine  still  running,  ask
                yourself how you’d feel after your quarry had suddenly bolted.

                  Wildlife photography isn’t a paparazzi pastime or something done by its
                enthusiasts to attract dog-walkers and stampeding herds of tourists. The
                unwritten rule is simple enough for any decent person to follow: kindly
                respect  the  interests  of  others,  admire  from  afar  or  better  still,
                find a subject of your own to work on.
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