Page 2 - Words of WiNZdom
P. 2

Getting started

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                     An introductory field guide to wildlife photography

                                                      By Roger Cox

                As a hobby wildlife photography can be a fun and rewarding pastime.
                However it isn't something to undertake without a healthy respect for
                nature as well as the environment. If you’re determined to hone your

                skills  as  a  wildlife  photographer  and  at  the  same  time  would  like  to
                keep  things  as  harmless  and  as  enjoyable  as  possible,  then  balanced
                with your own safety the welfare of your subjects should always come


                  These days you don’t have to go very far to find a wild animal or plant
                to  photograph.  Zoos  and  wildlife  centres  are  just  one  way  of  turning

                what can start out as a passing interest into a passionate one.

                  However to photograph out in the wild often means hiking and hiding
                out in the freezing cold or blazing heat, else sitting or lying cramped for
                hours  while  waiting  for  the  right  animal  to  show  up.  So  without  a

                decent plan or strategy going after a particular subject could take years
                or not at all if you’re simply relying on luck to get exactly what you’re
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